Day 1 - 8 Week Fat Loss Transformation

8 Week Fat Loss Transformation – A-List Owner James Dodds


If you’re reading this, you’re probably scouring the interent for the next fat loss scheme or magic pill that will miraculously incinerate the bodyfat off your physique. I hate to say it, but no such short cut exists and that’s not what you’ll find here. What you will find however, is a normal, 25 year old bloke, who works very hard, has a son, fiancé, dog and a generally hectic life. Sounds familiar? It’s because it is, I’m very relatable, down to earth and I’ll hopefully give you the no BS answers you are looking for in regards to fat loss and then back it up with real life results on myself.


Before I start, my 8 week transformation is specific to me and my bodyweight, goals etc what may work for me, may not necessarily work for you, however I hope to provide you with an insight into my fitness journey to help you in some way with your own!


To set the foundations of this transformation, below are my current stats for both my body and training so you know exactly where I am at! If you would also like to see my first transformation picture, by all means head to my Instagram handle below and follow along there. Updates will be posted every week on a Friday both via Instagram and here obviously in the form of a blog.


My Current Stats




Starting Bodyweight: 101.8kg/ 224lbs


Target Bodyweight: 90kg


Height: 5ft 9”


Training Goal: Increase Lbs for Lbs strength


Overall Goal: Lose Bodyfat & Maintain Muscle Mass Throughout A Calorie Deficit




Training (1 rep maxes)


General Training Application - Hypertrophy 


Overhead Should Press (barbell) – 100kg


Bench Press – 140kg


Squat – 200kg


Deadlift – 260kg



What I Hope To Achieve Whilst Documenting This:


I hope to be able to show you a real, in-depth breakdown on a weekly basis as to how exactly my transformation is going from all aspects. Nutrition, Training, Supplements and even general day to day feelings etc will be covered. Weekly blogs will be posted on here for you to read but if you would rather watch my transformation through videos & pictures, follow my Instagram below:


INSTAGRAM:  phatjimmydodds



Hopefully you’re just as excited as me to embark upon this fitness journey! That’s it for this week but join me back here for a full breakdown on my supplement protocol, exactly what I’ll be taking over the next 8 weeks, when throughout the day and exactly how much.


If you’ve read all the way to the end, thank you for the support!


James Dodds

Managing Director

A-List Nutrition Ltd

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