  • 5-AT
  • 5-AT
Core Nutritionals


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  • £38.99 Inc VAT


5-Etioallocholen-3b,7b,17b-triol: More commonly known as androstenetriol, 5-etioallocholen-3 beta-7 beta-17beta-triol is a metabolite of the ubiquitous endogenous steroid, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). DHEA is one of the most abundant endogenous steroids in the human body, playing a critical role in a number of bodily functions. These functions include, though are not limited to, serving as an intermediate (a middle piece) in the synthesis of sex steroids such as testosterone and estrogen, up-regulating (increasing) immune response and countering the immunosuppressive actions of corticosteroids, and maybe the most impressive, directly and strongly suppressing the release of cortisol itself!

In less complex terms, we can simply say that cortisol is responsible for inhibiting many of the processes that we as fitness enthusiasts want to start, and for starting many of the processes that we want to inhibit. Cortisol plays a role in:

  • Preventing our muscle cells from uptaking glucose (inducing insulin resistance).
  • Preventing muscle protein synthesis.
  • The breakdown of glycogen (the compound responsible for that “full look”).
  • Suppressing the immune processes involved in muscle growth.

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